Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your truth, we wait eagerly for you, for your name and your renown are the desire of our souls.
Goliath Must Fall (Digital Download) - Louie Giglio -
We all have giants in our lives that creep in and take over. Giants like rejection, anxiety, fear, anger and addiction. These adversaries establish a foothold, and before we know it we are tolerating something that is diminishing the glory of God in our lives and holding us back from the freedom that Jesus intends for us.
Put aside what you may think about the classic David vs. Goliath story. In this series, Goliath Must Fall, we are lead to dwell on the size of our God not the height of our giants. Pastor Louie Giglio helps us to find and realize the source of our giants and ensures us that whatever our affliction is, it can, will, and must fall down with the power of Jesus.
1. Goliath Must Fall
2. Fear Must Fall
3. Rejection Must Fall
4. Comfort Must Fall
5. Anger Must Fall
6. Addiction Must Fall