Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your truth, we wait eagerly for you, for your name and your renown are the desire of our souls.
History (Digital Download) - Louie Giglio & Andy Stanley
Creation. Beauty. Perfection. Simplicity. Freedom. Life.
All of these, God freely gave to man, His prized creation, placing him in a perfect world designed to reflect His glory.
Yet, in an instant, all of life was corrupted. The beauty of everything God so beautifully birthed was tainted by creatures who willingly rebelled against their Creator. Suddenly and tragically, life was covered with death, freedom was bound by sin, and beauty was lost. God's glory on earth had seemingly been scarred forever.
Then, when all hope of restoration was lost, history took an altogether unexpected turn. In the midst of death, God came in human form---not to punish or destroy the traitor race, but to weave even the darkest of sins into a tapestry of His glory.
History truly is His story. The greatest story ever told. Find your place in the adventure and discover amazing life that never ends.
Louie Giglio & Andy Stanley Series
1. God's Passion for God's Glory [Louie Giglio]
2. History's Rule [Andy Stanley]
3. Little Me -- Big God -- Huge Life [Louie Giglio]
4. The Glorious Middle [Louie Giglio & Andy Stanley]